A hit and run accident may involve two motor vehicles, a motor vehicle and a bicyclist or motorcycle rider, or a motor vehicle and a pedestrian. It is illegal for anyone to leave the scene of an accident. If a driver flees the scene of an accident he can be charged with a serious crime, so it is vital that the police are contacted. Depending upon the circumstances involved, the hit and run driver may be charged with a misdemeanor or, if the person struck was killed, with a felony. There are numerous reasons why a driver chooses not to remain at the scene of an accident, including:
Fear of getting caught and paying for the consequences.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Having a warrant out for his/her arrest.
Possessing a stolen vehicle.
Being in possession of stolen property or drugs.
If you have been the victim of a hit and run, do not give up hope. The first thing to do after the accident is to obtain medical attention. Back and neck or head injuries do not always show up immediately and may even worsen as time goes on, causing long term disabilities. The second thing to do is to contact a car accident lawyer from our firm. We can help you recover compensation from your own insurance company for medical treatment, lost wages, and future expenses.
Over 10 Years Experience in Law Enforcement
With over 10 years experience in law enforcement and in criminal investigations, our firm has a keen understanding of statutes relating to hit and run accidents. It is not uncommon for insurance companies to take advantage of you while you are in pain and perhaps not thinking clearly to coerce you into settling for less than what your claim is actually worth. While you are recovering from you accident, it is important to have a skilled lawyer on your side who can advocate on your behalf for the optimum settlement that you are entitled to. Contact a hit and run attorney today to review your case.